Jill Felska of Want to Work There sits on a patio with pink hair and a black blouse. What a great smile! Read how AKConsulting optimized her website.

Jill Felska, Owner of Want to Work There

Jill’s results:

  • 20x organic traffic

  • 2-3 leads per week from website

  • Inbound PR requests

Jill Felska, owner of Want to Work There, hired Adrienne in March 2023.

I'm a visionary entrepreneur. It's a strength that has gotten me far in my company's journey. However, when I started working with Adrienne it was like I'd unlocked a new level in a video game – one I'd never have gotten to without her help!

For years, I've had a bigger vision for my website. Adrienne took that vision and made it a reality in months. Yes, months. Not only did she 10x my organic traffic in the first four months, she dramatically reduced the time it takes my pages to load and was thoughtful about conversation points at every turn. Adrienne is a doer who isn't satisfied with the status quo, but instead will obsess over the details. In the growth space, this matters SO much. If you're considering working with Adrienne, I full-heartedly recommend you do. 

-Jill Felska